

  • Share your foam/obsidian/markdown notes in a simple and intuitive way ! Support [[roamlike link]]
  • You can share your foam/obsidian note using this template
  • 用简单和直观的方式分享你的foam/obsidian/markdown笔记!支持[[链接]]解析,push自动部署页面,使用这个博客模板即可。


Support syntax支持的语法#

origin原始 convert转换后
[Git Flow](git_flow.md) [Git Flow](../software/git_flow.md)
[[Git Flow]] [Git Flow](../software/git_flow.md)
![[image.png]] ![image.png](../image/imag.png)
[#Heading identifiers](<#heading-identifiers>) [Heading identifiers in HTML](#heading-identifiers-in-html)
[[Git Flow#Heading]] [Git Flow](../software/git_flow.md#heading)


使用方法:部署到github page生成博客网站#

  1. 复制Fork或者下载这个仓库
  2. 将你的文档添加到docs下面(原来的文件可以全部删掉),在docs吓添加一个index.md作为网站主页
  3. 进入mkdocs.yml修改site_name为你的网站名称,这个文件包含了你网站的配置,具体配置教程见:
  4. push提交修改到github,等一小会,就可以到你的github用户名.github.io/你的仓库名/下访问博客了,我的是jackiexiao.github.io/blog/
  5. 大功告成!

之所以git push就可以自动部署网页,生成博客,是因为github action在起作用!感兴趣可以自己搜索一下。



pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-roamlinks-plugin
mkdocs serve 


同步发布到Gitee page加速国内访问#

步骤很简单,比如这个博客,在Gitee的首页下新建仓库,在页面下方选择导入已有仓库, 填写你的github仓库地址,然后点击服务->Gitee Page->部署分支->选择gh-pages,点击更新就完成啦!几秒后刷新你就可以看到自己gitee apge的链接了。不过要注意的是,每次更新Gitee page,你需要3个步骤

  1. 更新你的github仓库
  2. 在Gitee中手动点击同步github
  3. 按前面的步骤,再次部署Gitee Page

Usage:Deploy to github page#

  1. fork this repository
  2. add your documents to docs , docs/index.md is the main page of the website
  3. open mkdocs.yml, modify site_name to your website name, this file is the setting of website, visit link below to get more information
  4. push to github, wait a moment, then visit http://<your-github-username.github.io/<your-repo>, for example:jackiexiao.github.io/blog/
  5. Done! That's all! Have fun!

Thx to Github Action, it make deploy a blog so easy, all you need todo is modify and push your file

Deploy Locally#

The simplest way: Enter your local repo directory, make sure your python > 3.6

pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-roamlinks-plugin
mkdocs serve 

Then visit